Increase your mental and physical fitness with expert guidance and virtual support.
Ready for a six week reset of your mind, body, and spirit? It can be tough to get the ball rolling but if you're ready to make a commitment to your wellness, we are here to help you make it a success! Your mind can make or break any situation. If you find yourself constantly falling victim to your inner critic, responding to opportunities and setbacks alike with cynicism and distrust, and struggling to fulfill your potential, PQ can help.
The Positive Intelligence program helps you increase your mental strength and positive mindset with just 15 minutes of daily practice. A weekly 1-hour video will teach you how to stop negativity in its tracks and practice the 5 Sage Powers: Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate. Your weekly video and daily practice will all take place in the PQ app, where you can also connect with a community of like-minded individuals working on the same goals.
How does it work?

You'll begin by taking a short assessment that will identify your two main Saboteurs. Then you'll have an initial 1-hour coaching session with me to go over your results, goals for the program, and any questions you may have.
Watch the weekly videos and complete the daily exercises in the app while checking in with me once a week for 30 minutes. We can go over your progress, work through any resistance you're experiencing, or discuss anything else that's come up while working on your mental fitness.
To help align your mind and spirit in this growth, I will pull cards for you each week to give you whatever messages Source has for you as you make your way through this work.
So how does physical fitness come into it?
If you haven't heard me ramble about how wonderful my husband is, strap in! Juan has over two decades of experience as a personal trainer and is a cornerstone of THE GYM team in Englewood. He forms a personal relationship with all of his clients to help you identify and achieve your goals in a way that works for your lifestyle and your body. While you are working on your mental fitness with me, Juan will help you improve your physical fitness. You'll start with a 1-hour coaching call to discuss your current situation and desired goals, as well as any fears or reservations you have about the process. You'll receive a comprehensive exercise plan, as well as nutrition and meal planning if you choose. You'll have 30 minute check in sessions every week to make modifications, ask questions, or just get inspired!
Only 5 spots available!